Author : nolimitsadmin

It’s Not All About the Base

An Overview of the General Preparation Phase of Training By Coach Maria Simone The following are pairs of headlines I found on the internet after a simple search for “base training in endurance sport.” You may read through these articles and headlines, and scratch your head. What the heck?!? Should I go long and easy,[…]

Your Best Race Is In Your Head

8 Mindfulness Practices to Boost Performance By Coach Maria Simone Hard physical work is important for our success. That is a given for us as endurance athletes. However, the hours of hard work are not enough to bring us to our best performance on race day. In order to find that extra bit of our[…]

How to Pick The Right Coach for You

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh  You’re ready to hire a coach to help you achieve your big dreams. But, how do you pick the right coach for YOU and YOUR goals? Start by asking yourself some questions about what you want from the experience. Then, you’ll know what questions to ask when you interview coaches,[…]

How do we run?

An overview of the gait cycle and 3 common form issues By Coach Maria Simone As an endurance athlete, you’ve likely been asked: “Why do you run?” Our friends and family are so curious about why we put so much time and energy into our training. A less-often asked question is: “How do you run?” In[…]

2022 Ironman Lake Placid: Trust Your Wings

By Coach Maria Simone “A bird sitting in a tree never worries if the branch will break. Her trust is not on the branch, but on her own wings.” ~anon.  I shared this quote with the athletes at the start of our 2022 Lake Placid Training Camp, and again at our Ironman Lake Placid pre-race[…]

You signed up for a race. Now what?

By Coach Maria Simone You pause for a moment as the anticipation builds. You click “register.” Just like that: your journey to race day begins! So, um, what happens now? This article helps you answer this question, by outlining the initial steps to your race day success. Set Goals. Your success begins with a vision[…]

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