Racing Tips & Tricks

How To Read An Elevation Profile

By Coach Maria Simone When the course profile came out for Happy Valley 70.3, many on our team were abuzz because of the considerable climbing on the bike and the run (and maybe the swim). But, Happy Valley isn’t the only race out there that takes us over hill, over dale.  As we move into[…]

The Ultrarunner’s Crew

Tips for Crewing & Pacing By Coach Maria Simone I love the opportunity to support another runner going for the ultramarathon finish line – especially the first-time finish line. There is something special about being a part of all of that suffering – and watching the human mind, body, and spirit overcome. I love to[…]

Pacing Strategies Part 3: The Run

By Coach Maria Simone While we’ve covered much of what there is to know about pacing an endurance race, there are some specifics relative to the run that we’ll cover in this third part.  As a reminder, Part 1 covered general pacing basics for any endurance event, and part 2 covered pacing strategies for triathlon.[…]

The 1% Details: Race Day Pacing Strategies 

Part 1: Pacing Basics By Coach Maria Simone There is no one “big” thing you can do that will add up to your optimal race day performance. Rather, our performance on race day is a consequence of a series of sometimes seemingly inconsequential choices. These are the 1% details that add up to 100% of[…]

Taper Science And Art

By Coach Maria Simone Ah, the taper. Depending on your response to taper, you are either dreading this period in your training, or you are eagerly looking forward to it.  Personally, I love the taper. I imagine my body putting itself back together after weeks and months of hard training. It is a time when[…]

Are you ready for the heat?

Tips to Manage Hot Training Days By Coach Maria Simone I’ll be brutally honest: you can’t beat the heat. It will have an impact on our watts, pace, and RPE, when compared to more temperate conditions. But, you absolutely can manage the effects of heat and humidity. In this post, we share our yearly reminders[…]

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