
The Ultrarunner’s Crew

Tips for Crewing & Pacing By Coach Maria Simone I love the opportunity to support another runner going for the ultramarathon finish line – especially the first-time finish line. There is something special about being a part of all of that suffering – and watching the human mind, body, and spirit overcome. I love to[…]

How do we run?

An overview of the gait cycle and 3 common form issues By Coach Maria Simone As an endurance athlete, you’ve likely been asked: “Why do you run?” Our friends and family are so curious about why we put so much time and energy into our training. A less-often asked question is: “How do you run?” In[…]

Vermont 100 Endurance Run: Digging the Mind Out of the Trenches

By Coach Lindsay Leigh I had so many reasons to quit the Vermont 100 Endurance Run, and reasons I knew were good enough and people would support me. I had trench foot, a strained calf, blisters covering my feet, and a series of other maladies. But I continued on, aid station to aid station, and[…]

Gritty, Cheerful, Supportive Ultrarunners: Umstead 100 Race Report

~ By Coach Lindsay Leigh The 100 mile distance has intrigued me for years. I only had to decide when the right time would be to toe the line. Up until the start of the 2018 Umstead 100, and even during some moments of the race, I could not quite wrap my head around running[…]

Fueling & Hydration Series 5: What about caffeine?

In the 5th installment of our video series on fueling and hydration for endurance sport, Coach Maria offers tips and tricks for using caffeine as part of your fueling plan. She reviews: Duration of the race and caffeine use Practicing with caffeine to determine tolerance and impact Sources for caffeine intake Tips for using cola

Fueling & Hydration Series 4: Hydration & Electrolytes

In this fourth video of our fueling & hydration series, Coach Maria offers insights for your fluid and electrolyte intake. She covers: using a sweat test to determine your sweat loss, which can help you identify fluid & electrolyte needs (Note: your goal isn’t 100% replenishment!) understanding how weather impacts hydration needs tallying your total[…]

Running Towards Uncertainty: Leadville 100

“One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.” ~ Henry Ford This summer, I embarked on an attempt to complete the Grand Slam of Ultra Running: 1) Western States 100, 2) Vermont 100, 3) Leadville 100, and 4) Wasatch 100. I made it 40 miles into[…]

Living Dreams: 2017 Western States 100 Race Report

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” ~ John Muir I lived one of my long-time dreams as I climbed the snowy[…]

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