
Mental Fitness Part 3: Mental Toughness Strategies for Training & Racing

In our third and final part of the the mental fitness series, we look at some specific mental toughness strategies you can use in training and racing.  Part one looked the role of our motivations, while part two considered the ways in which our thoughts influence our behaviors. In this part, we look at how[…]

Mental Fitness Part 2: The Central Governor & Self-Efficacy

In the first segment of this 3-part series of mental fitness, we discussed the role of motivation in endurance sport. But, motivation is only one part of mental toughness and fitness. In this post, we look at the ways in which our mind can help or hinder our physical performance.  No doubt many of you have set significant[…]

Mental Fitness Part 1: What motivates you?

“It is the brain, not the heart or lungs, that is the critical organ; it’s the brain” ~Sir Roger Bannister In a previous post, we talked about developing and writing goals for the coming season. While physical training is an important part of achieving these goals, it is just one element to achieving your season goals.[…]

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