Tips & Tricks

6 Tips for Your DIY Endurance Training Camp

by Coach Maria Simone A training camp is a great way to put in focused training, without the worries and bustle of everyday life getting in the way. Long days of training, followed by great food and recovery support our growth as athletes. In the winter months, some lucky endurance sport enthusiasts may take time[…]

9 Training Tips To Nail Your Next Session

We’ve all been there: a workout goes off the rails. In some cases, a rough training session can be avoided if we take some time prepare the “little details” of execution. Here are 9 training tips to nail your next session. 1️⃣  Prepare your fuel and hydration the night before. Consider the full duration of[…]

Race Analysis: How to Move On from a “Bad” Race

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh “When you take risks you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important.” ~Ellen DeGeneres You’ve trained months and months, tapered well, had high expectations for your day. Yet, you had a subpar or flat-out “bad”[…]

Triathlon Transition Tips

If you are getting ready for your first season of triathlon, you may be wondering what exactly needs to happen when you are in transition from one segment to the next. If you’ve been doing this a while, and can’t seem to nail a fast transition – you may be wondering – how can I make[…]

Create the Year You Want

5 Tips to Make Your New Year Resolutions A Reality By Coach Maria Simone Many of us will take part in the tradition of making new year resolutions to be better in some way. But, for many, the commitment to these resolutions will dwindle as the sparkle of the new year fades. In fact, most will not continue[…]

Marathon Race Day Tips

As the ground thaws and the birds start chirping, the distances get longer. That’s right, people: it’s marathon season! While you can find a marathon during any time of this year, the spring and fall seasons have many, many options. Marathons involve a long-term commitment to training – ideally four months of training focused specifically[…]

The Road Noise Vest: Music + Safety = Endurance Athlete’s Best Friend

[Note: Road Noise provided John and I with road noise vests for our review. We agreed to review the vests and provide our honest assessment.] After months of riding indoors, the weather broke two weekends ago for a slight instant – just long enough for a 4-hour outside jaunt. Outside, people! It’s been an especially[…]

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