
Create the Year You Want

5 Tips to Make Your New Year Resolutions A Reality By Coach Maria Simone Many of us will take part in the tradition of making new year resolutions to be better in some way. But, for many, the commitment to these resolutions will dwindle as the sparkle of the new year fades. In fact, most will not continue[…]

Peaks Ultra 50 Race Report: Hardest Race Yet

Saturday morning, I woke up at 3:25 a.m. to the glare of headlights as athletes began arriving for the Peaks Ultra Challenge in Pittsfield, Vermont. The back of our Subaru was my makeshift hotel for the previous night. I had dropped Maria off in Lake Placid so she could get her training in, and then[…]

How did I do? Tips for post-race analysis for triathletes and runners

As we head into summer, many of you likely have some early season race results to boast or boo about. Whether you hit your goals or not, these early races offer important insights to help you tweak the rest of your season and get the most out of your training. As the post-race glow subsides,[…]

Marathon Race Day Tips

As the ground thaws and the birds start chirping, the distances get longer. That’s right, people: it’s marathon season! While you can find a marathon during any time of this year, the spring and fall seasons have many, many options. Marathons involve a long-term commitment to training – ideally four months of training focused specifically[…]

The Road Noise Vest: Music + Safety = Endurance Athlete’s Best Friend

[Note: Road Noise provided John and I with road noise vests for our review. We agreed to review the vests and provide our honest assessment.] After months of riding indoors, the weather broke two weekends ago for a slight instant – just long enough for a 4-hour outside jaunt. Outside, people! It’s been an especially[…]

It’s not just about the scale: Race weight, body composition and your best performance

If you care about getting faster, chances are you also care about how much you weigh. And, that’s with good reason. Weight plays a key role in our performance as runners and cyclists. Some studies have shown that each additional pound has the potential to slow runners down by as much as 3 seconds per[…]

Mental Fitness Part 2: The Central Governor & Self-Efficacy

In the first segment of this 3-part series of mental fitness, we discussed the role of motivation in endurance sport. But, motivation is only one part of mental toughness and fitness. In this post, we look at the ways in which our mind can help or hinder our physical performance.  No doubt many of you have set significant[…]

Mental Fitness Part 1: What motivates you?

“It is the brain, not the heart or lungs, that is the critical organ; it’s the brain” ~Sir Roger Bannister In a previous post, we talked about developing and writing goals for the coming season. While physical training is an important part of achieving these goals, it is just one element to achieving your season goals.[…]

Achieve Your Goals – Don’t Wish for Them

John qualified for the 2012 Ironman World Championships at Ironman Cozumel in November, 2011. In the year leading up to that race, he wrote down his goals and posted them in our home office, as well as on his desk at work. Those sheets of paper were daily reminders of what he was working toward. They[…]

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