
Triathletes vs the Kick

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh  The freestyle kick can be a source of contention among many triathletes, at least for those who don’t come from a swimming background. I’ve had many athletes ask me if they need to kick, or if kick sets are worthwhile (I wouldn’t prescribe them if I didn’t think they were[…]

Should I Train When I’m Sick?

By Coach Maria Simone ‘Tis the season when flu, virus, colds, and more circulate in our closed spaces. Despite our best efforts to remain healthy, getting sick is usually not an if, it’s a when. So, when it happens you may find yourself wondering if it is safe or smart to train. Sometimes training while[…]

Winter “To-Do” List for Endurance Athletes

Coaches recommendations for what you can do now to be set up to ROCK this year! By The No Limits Coaches   This to-do list will prepare you to crush the coming season – and that’s what we are all here for, right? As the saying goes – failing to prepare is preparing to fail![…]

Are you making these errors in your swim form?

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh It’s no secret that swim speed is highly dependent on technique and form; some coaches estimate as much as 80% of speed is dependent on technique with only 20% dependent on fitness. And this seems right. We know that swimming harder (with effort) often will not translate into swimming faster[…]

Course Overview: Happy Valley Ironman 70.3 – From a Coach/Athlete’s Perspective

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh  As a seasoned triathlete and coach who has raced the inaugural Happy Valley Ironman 70.3 course (and is heading back this year), I can attest to the unique challenges and exciting experiences that await athletes in this iconic event. Let’s delve into the swim, bike, and run courses from my[…]

The Keys to Having Your Best Run off the Bike

By Coach Mike Stout Running off the bike can be where the race is won and lost. When I first started doing duathlons and triathlons, I thought the run was going to be my strongest discipline, especially since I came from a running background and considered myself a strong runner.  Was I ever wrong! During[…]

Common Training Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

 By Coach Maria Simone Training mistakes: we’ve all made them. Sometimes we re-make them. Other times, we may not know we are making them.  In all cases, minding what I like to call the “1% details” ensures we make the most out of our hard work. After all, all of these 1% details will add[…]

5 Things Beginners Can Do To Improve

By Coach Jason Bahamundi If you’re reading this article, then you are giving endurance sports a shot. That is the first thing you did to improve as a beginner – and probably the most important. Pat yourself on the back and then grab a cup of coffee, because we are going to discuss 5 things[…]

9 Training Tips To Nail Your Next Session

We’ve all been there: a workout goes off the rails. In some cases, a rough training session can be avoided if we take some time prepare the “little details” of execution. Here are 9 training tips to nail your next session. 1️⃣  Prepare your fuel and hydration the night before. Consider the full duration of[…]

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