
Mental Fitness Part 3: Mental Toughness Strategies for Training & Racing

In our third and final part of the the mental fitness series, we look at some specific mental toughness strategies you can use in training and racing.  Part one looked the role of our motivations, while part two considered the ways in which our thoughts influence our behaviors. In this part, we look at how[…]

Mental Fitness Part 2: The Central Governor & Self-Efficacy

In the first segment of this 3-part series of mental fitness, we discussed the role of motivation in endurance sport. But, motivation is only one part of mental toughness and fitness. In this post, we look at the ways in which our mind can help or hinder our physical performance.  No doubt many of you have set significant[…]

Mental Fitness Part 1: What motivates you?

“It is the brain, not the heart or lungs, that is the critical organ; it’s the brain” ~Sir Roger Bannister In a previous post, we talked about developing and writing goals for the coming season. While physical training is an important part of achieving these goals, it is just one element to achieving your season goals.[…]

Achieve Your Goals – Don’t Wish for Them

John qualified for the 2012 Ironman World Championships at Ironman Cozumel in November, 2011. In the year leading up to that race, he wrote down his goals and posted them in our home office, as well as on his desk at work. Those sheets of paper were daily reminders of what he was working toward. They[…]

Am I ready to go the distance? 4 Areas to consider before you sign up for your first Ironman Triathlon

There is a progression of goals in triathlon that usually revolves around two questions: How fast can I go? How far can I go? Since we’ve covered the first question in a previous post, let’s think about the second question, specifically as it relates to an ironman triathlon. If you are a triathlete, this question is[…]

Featured Food: Beet It Real Good

Variety is an important component to maintaining a healthy and nutrient-dense diet. But, cooking unfamiliar foods can be intimidating. On the other hand, re-introducing foods that we thought we didn’t like as kids or younger adults may not be appealing. Over the course of the past decade, John and I have gradually evolved our eating[…]

Off-season: A season of opportunity

You’ve worked hard during the run or triathlon season, and now you are ready to play hard. It’s finally off-season. Good. It’s important to have a break from focused training and racing. But, don’t let the next few weeks or months go by without reflecting on the ways in which you can prepare yourself for an[…]

How frequently can I race? 6 tips for setting up your race calendar

There can be no doubt about it: Racing is fun. And, like most things we enjoy: we want to do it. A. Lot. But, as with all things in life, moderation can be important. Too much racing can wind up being not much fun at all, leading to lackluster performance, burnout, and even injury. None[…]

How much is enough? How do I know how much to train?

“How much should I train each week?” This is one of the most frequent questions we get. Our answer is always the same. “It depends.” Total, weekly and daily training volume depends upon several factors: the type and length of races in which an athlete hopes to compete, the period of the yearly training cycle, the goals of a[…]

Unlock your speed: Train three elements of aerobic capacity

Professional athletes and those speedsters in our age group may leave us wondering: why are some people so fast?  Assuming your endurance base is set, speed comes primarily from developing three physiological elements: 1) VO2max, 2) lactate threshold, and 3) economy. The bad news: our ability across these three factors is due to genetics – at least[…]

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