
Course Overview: Happy Valley Ironman 70.3 – From a Coach/Athlete’s Perspective

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh  As a seasoned triathlete and coach who has raced the inaugural Happy Valley Ironman 70.3 course (and is heading back this year), I can attest to the unique challenges and exciting experiences that await athletes in this iconic event. Let’s delve into the swim, bike, and run courses from my[…]

Get Sh*t Done: 2018 General Smallwood Triathlon Race Report

[This post is race report by our athlete Jen Miller on her experience at the General Smallwood Triathlon (Olympic Distance), held on May 19, 2018. Thanks, Jen, for allowing us to post it here!] New Year. New Age Group. New Coach. New expectations? With Joe’s support (😘), this is this year I decided to do[…]

TRI AC Race Report: A First Season Triathlete Pushes Her Limits

[This Tri AC race report comes from one of our athletes, who prefers to stay anonymous. She completed her first triathlon season in 2015. This report is about Tri AC, held on August 9, 2015, which was her third race of the season, and her first race in open water with current AND on a[…]

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