Author : nolimitsadmin

Specificity Training: What’s the purpose of your workout?

  Do you remember a time when you exercised simply for your health? Maybe you went to the gym and did whatever felt right for the day. Maybe you ran a few miles several times a week. Maybe you took group classes to push yourself and stay motivated. There is no doubt that exercise, performed[…]

Taper Tips for Racing in Triathlon and Running

The taper is a period of training that includes a reduction in volume to allow the body to adapt to the previous periods of training stress. Tapers vary based on race distance, weekly training volume and intensity, race goals, and coaching philosophy. So, it is challenging to provide a one-size-fits-all answer to the taper question.[…]

Cross Training Options for Runners

Cross-training is an important addition to your training plan–especially for single-sport athletes such as runners. The role of cross-training becomes even more important if you are injured or have a physical limiter that makes the repetitive motion and impact of running painful and potentially harmful. That being said, as we noted in a previous post,[…]

Isn’t all that training bad for your joints?

“How can an athlete best protect the joints while training?” This is a great question – and one that comes up quite frequently. Our joints are those areas where bones come together, which may be cushioned by cartilage, and supported by muscles, ligaments, and tendons (depending upon the type of joint). Regardless of the type[…]

How fast can I go?

  When we train for a new distance, we usually ask, “Do you really think I can go that far?” But, as we become accustomed to the increased distance,  the question moves very quickly from “how far?” to “how fast?” In this post, I’d like to focus on two traditional speed training sessions for either[…]

Add Some Hill Training and Hill Repeats to Boost Strength and Speed

When I was training for my first ultra-marathon, I learned how important hill training and hill repeats are to develop strength, endurance and power. But, you don’t need to be training for an ultra or a hilly race to reap the benefits of hill training. Hill training and hill repeats offer benefits for all runners[…]

What should I eat? Tips for nutrition for endurance athletes

~ By Coach Maria Simone This is a question that we hear frequently. Since we covered some of the basics of training and race-day fueling, we thought we’d also offer some general principles that we follow in our day to day nutrition. We realize that nutrition is personal, based on an individual’s dietary needs. Gluten[…]

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