Author : nolimitsadmin

What goes into a day of healthy eating?

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh I thought I’d share what I typically eat in a day to provide you with some healthy and simple meal and snack ideas. I’m definitely not perfect, and am continuing to build variety and new ideas into my plant based eating. I don’t count calories and I don’t deprive myself, so[…]

Costs and Benefits of Fasted Training

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh Athletes sometimes ask me about fasted workouts, and I continue to see articles about it in running and triathlon magazines. So, it will be helpful to offer our thoughts on the topic. What are fasted/glycogen depleted workouts? Typically done in the morning after having a long night time fast, the athlete[…]

Alcohol and the Endurance Athlete

by Coach Lindsay Leigh For healthy adults, moderate alcohol use is defined as one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men. There may be some limited health benefits to moderate alcohol consumption, but there are no health benefits to heavy drinking (defined as three or four drinks a day, or[…]

Tips for Healthy Treats

by Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh Healthy eating doesn’t mean depriving yourself of treats. Food is meant to be enjoyed and pleasurable. A healthy balanced diet can include your favorite treats in moderation. When you have your favorite treat, enjoy it seated in a relaxed environment, eating slowly, savoring every bite. You can also find healthier ways[…]

6 Differences to Consider if You Race an Early Season Triathlon

~ by Coach Lindsay Leigh During the 2019 season, I raced at Ironman Texas, which took place at the end of April. I’m not alone – there are more and more triathletes getting their season started earlier by traveling to warmer locations. For anyone living in the northern part of the world, the weather is[…]

Vermont 100 Endurance Run: Digging the Mind Out of the Trenches

By Coach Lindsay Leigh I had so many reasons to quit the Vermont 100 Endurance Run, and reasons I knew were good enough and people would support me. I had trench foot, a strained calf, blisters covering my feet, and a series of other maladies. But I continued on, aid station to aid station, and[…]

Race Analysis: How to Move On from a “Bad” Race

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh “When you take risks you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important.” ~Ellen DeGeneres You’ve trained months and months, tapered well, had high expectations for your day. Yet, you had a subpar or flat-out “bad”[…]

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