
Are you ready for the heat?

Tips to Manage Hot Training Days By Coach Maria Simone I’ll be brutally honest: you can’t beat the heat. It will have an impact on our watts, pace, and RPE, when compared to more temperate conditions. But, you absolutely can manage the effects of heat and humidity. In this post, we share our yearly reminders[…]

Swimming: A Pain in Your Shoulder?

By Coach Kelly Rose Thomas, DPT The shoulder girdle is amazing! How many other regions of the body are you able to lift, lower, cross in front and in back of your body, rotate, and swing? The number of nerves, arteries, veins, muscles, ligaments, and bones in the shoulder area is astonishing (and a bit[…]

Cold Weather Training Tips: How to Enjoy Winter’s Bite

By Coach Maria Simone “The air bites shrewdly; it is very cold.”  ~Hamlet  Cold weather has always made me think of this line from Hamlet. Coldness “biting” is such an apt metaphor for those winter days when we would rather stay under the covers than head outside to get our move on. But, there are[…]

It’s Not All About the Base

An Overview of the General Preparation Phase of Training By Coach Maria Simone The following are pairs of headlines I found on the internet after a simple search for “base training in endurance sport.” You may read through these articles and headlines, and scratch your head. What the heck?!? Should I go long and easy,[…]

How do we run?

An overview of the gait cycle and 3 common form issues By Coach Maria Simone As an endurance athlete, you’ve likely been asked: “Why do you run?” Our friends and family are so curious about why we put so much time and energy into our training. A less-often asked question is: “How do you run?” In[…]

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