Search Results for: strength

Balance Your Strength Training for Optimal Results

A balanced strength program balances push and pull, upper and lower body body, and core movements. ~ By Coach Lindsay Leigh There is more to an effective strength program than picking things up and putting them down. As you develop your strength training routine, you want to ensure that you arrange movements within a workout,[…]

How to Implement Strength Training Using Periodization

Be strategic by using periodization to organize phases of your strength training. ~By Coach Lindsay Leigh Strength training supports our performance and reduces injury risk. Given how important this is for endurance athletes need strength training, we’ll cover some best practices for implementing a periodized strength training routine throughout your season. Phase 1: Adapt Before[…]

Add Some Hill Training and Hill Repeats to Boost Strength and Speed

When I was training for my first ultra-marathon, I learned how important hill training and hill repeats are to develop strength, endurance and power. But, you don’t need to be training for an ultra or a hilly race to reap the benefits of hill training. Hill training and hill repeats offer benefits for all runners[…]

How To Read An Elevation Profile

By Coach Maria Simone When the course profile came out for Happy Valley 70.3, many on our team were abuzz because of the considerable climbing on the bike and the run (and maybe the swim). But, Happy Valley isn’t the only race out there that takes us over hill, over dale.  As we move into[…]

The Keys to Having Your Best Run off the Bike

By Coach Mike Stout Running off the bike can be where the race is won and lost. When I first started doing duathlons and triathlons, I thought the run was going to be my strongest discipline, especially since I came from a running background and considered myself a strong runner.  Was I ever wrong! During[…]

So, You want to PR, Podium or Qualify for a Big Race: 5 Tips to Make it Happen

By Coach Maria Simone I like to make big dreams happen for my athletes and for myself. In many cases, these dreams revolve around aggressive time goals, standing on podiums, or qualifying for specific races, such as the Boston Marathon, World Championships 70.3/140.6, or Team USA.  When I work with an athlete long enough, we[…]

Common Training Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

 By Coach Maria Simone Training mistakes: we’ve all made them. Sometimes we re-make them. Other times, we may not know we are making them.  In all cases, minding what I like to call the “1% details” ensures we make the most out of our hard work. After all, all of these 1% details will add[…]

Coach Cody Noland

Coach Cody Noland developed a passion for strength and performance training while playing basketball and football in high school. This led to him eventually obtaining is bachelors and masters in Kinesiology with a focus on exercise science and sport psychology. His passion for athletics transitioned to the endurance realm when he found obstacle course racing[…]

Finding Free Speed with Video Analysis

By Coach Maria Simone When I train, I often visualize different race-specific scenarios, and I especially love to pretend that someone (with an amazing accent – think Phil Liggett style) is narrating my workout. For example, one of my favorite sequences is to imagine myself in the final miles of a run. I see myself[…]

Wellness Programs

  Give the gift of sport and fitness to your company with a No Limits Wellness Program! Sport and fitness bring people together, support health and wellness, and create memories of accomplishment that will last a lifetime.  For the workplace, corporate wellness programs can:  Increase workplace productivity by 15% Decrease absenteeism, with almost 3 less[…]

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