
Race Day Pacing Strategies: Triathlon

By Coach Maria Simone In a previous article we reviewed race pacing basics for any type of endurance events. With those overarching guidelines in mind, let’s talk some specifics for triathlon. Triathlon is One Sport Regardless of your distance, it is important to remember that triathlon is one sport.  In practice this means that each[…]

The 1% Details: Race Day Pacing Strategies 

Part 1: Pacing Basics By Coach Maria Simone There is no one “big” thing you can do that will add up to your optimal race day performance. Rather, our performance on race day is a consequence of a series of sometimes seemingly inconsequential choices. These are the 1% details that add up to 100% of[…]

Taper Science And Art

By Coach Maria Simone Ah, the taper. Depending on your response to taper, you are either dreading this period in your training, or you are eagerly looking forward to it.  Personally, I love the taper. I imagine my body putting itself back together after weeks and months of hard training. It is a time when[…]

Are you ready for the heat?

Tips to Manage Hot Training Days By Coach Maria Simone I’ll be brutally honest: you can’t beat the heat. It will have an impact on our watts, pace, and RPE, when compared to more temperate conditions. But, you absolutely can manage the effects of heat and humidity. In this post, we share our yearly reminders[…]

5 Things Beginners Can Do To Improve

By Coach Jason Bahamundi If you’re reading this article, then you are giving endurance sports a shot. That is the first thing you did to improve as a beginner – and probably the most important. Pat yourself on the back and then grab a cup of coffee, because we are going to discuss 5 things[…]

Your GPS Watch and You

Subtitle: What the f*ck is wrong with this thing? By Coach Maria Simone I’ve been a part of many discussions on the accuracy and reliability of our GPS-enabled watches. Some of the individual conversations I’ve had with athletes about their watches have went something like this:  These discussions have been revived, given how many of[…]

Cold Weather Training Tips: How to Enjoy Winter’s Bite

By Coach Maria Simone “The air bites shrewdly; it is very cold.”  ~Hamlet  Cold weather has always made me think of this line from Hamlet. Coldness “biting” is such an apt metaphor for those winter days when we would rather stay under the covers than head outside to get our move on. But, there are[…]

It’s Not All About the Base

An Overview of the General Preparation Phase of Training By Coach Maria Simone The following are pairs of headlines I found on the internet after a simple search for “base training in endurance sport.” You may read through these articles and headlines, and scratch your head. What the heck?!? Should I go long and easy,[…]

How do we run?

An overview of the gait cycle and 3 common form issues By Coach Maria Simone As an endurance athlete, you’ve likely been asked: “Why do you run?” Our friends and family are so curious about why we put so much time and energy into our training. A less-often asked question is: “How do you run?” In[…]

You signed up for a race. Now what?

By Coach Maria Simone You pause for a moment as the anticipation builds. You click “register.” Just like that: your journey to race day begins! So, um, what happens now? This article helps you answer this question, by outlining the initial steps to your race day success. Set Goals. Your success begins with a vision[…]

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