Author : nolimitsadmin

Common Training Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

 By Coach Maria Simone Training mistakes: we’ve all made them. Sometimes we re-make them. Other times, we may not know we are making them.  In all cases, minding what I like to call the “1% details” ensures we make the most out of our hard work. After all, all of these 1% details will add[…]

4 Nutritional Mistakes to Avoid as an Athlete

Superfoods, Carbs and other nutritional misdirections By Coach Maria Simone The food we eat (or don’t eat) is personal, pulling from our individual, social and cultural values. Our life experiences are often tied up with our eating experiences, and food is an important and fulfilling part of our lives. It’s yummy, and it makes us[…]

Meal Prepping Basics & Recipes

By Coach Alexa Boyce Eating a good diet won’t make you a great athlete but eating a poor diet can prevent you from becoming one. Each of us has BIG goals. Maybe it is to run your first marathon, train for a triathlon, run ultra-distances, or compete in obstacle course races. Or, maybe you want[…]

Finding Free Speed with Video Analysis

By Coach Maria Simone When I train, I often visualize different race-specific scenarios, and I especially love to pretend that someone (with an amazing accent – think Phil Liggett style) is narrating my workout. For example, one of my favorite sequences is to imagine myself in the final miles of a run. I see myself[…]

Post-season and Pre-season Nutrition

By Coach Lindsay Zemba Leigh  You may wonder if your nutritional needs change through the year depending if you are in your post-season, pre-season, general preparation phase, or specific preparation phase. The answer, like most things, is that it will depend on your specific situation. However, for most of us, we do experience fluctuating nutritional[…]

Pacing Strategies Part 3: The Run

By Coach Maria Simone While we’ve covered much of what there is to know about pacing an endurance race, there are some specifics relative to the run that we’ll cover in this third part.  As a reminder, Part 1 covered general pacing basics for any endurance event, and part 2 covered pacing strategies for triathlon.[…]

Race Day Pacing Strategies: Triathlon

By Coach Maria Simone In a previous article we reviewed race pacing basics for any type of endurance events. With those overarching guidelines in mind, let’s talk some specifics for triathlon. Triathlon is One Sport Regardless of your distance, it is important to remember that triathlon is one sport.  In practice this means that each[…]

The 1% Details: Race Day Pacing Strategies 

Part 1: Pacing Basics By Coach Maria Simone There is no one “big” thing you can do that will add up to your optimal race day performance. Rather, our performance on race day is a consequence of a series of sometimes seemingly inconsequential choices. These are the 1% details that add up to 100% of[…]

Taper Science And Art

By Coach Maria Simone Ah, the taper. Depending on your response to taper, you are either dreading this period in your training, or you are eagerly looking forward to it.  Personally, I love the taper. I imagine my body putting itself back together after weeks and months of hard training. It is a time when[…]

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